Thursday, August 7, 2008

Trash Party 2008: You're Invited! August 23rd.

Congrats! You've been invited to attend the Second Annual Trash Party in Everett! Dress to impress, immerse yourself in redneck/white trash couture and culture, have a great time and win stuff by competing in ridiculous low-rent competitions! [Scroll down for more info]

Last year's party was a blast, so this year's fest promises to be bigger, brassier, bolder and trashier! Last year's royalty will be on hand to bestow the honors on this year's winners, so do make 'em proud. (Left to right: Rebecca aka "Queen of the Trailer Park", Robin aka "Best Mullet" and Jamie aka "Make a double, 'cause I'm drinkin' for two" who won "Best Trash Cookin'")

We wanna see you there in Everett, in all your trailer-rific glory. C'mon now, it's an evening of beer, food, women (no men, kids or pets, please) and trashiniess. You can't pass that up!
TIME: The party starts at 3pm and will continue all night! Bring a tent and sleep over, and have breakfast in the morning.
PLACE: Everett (Paine Field/Boeing area)

For exact location and and "how the hell do I get there" info, RSVP WordyGrrl AT before 11am on Saturday ('cause after that, I'll be away from the puter, gettin' party stuff ready!)

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